First Peter Writing Challenge

I’m back with another writing challenge to get us through the rest of the summer! I’ve been off the map so to speak these last few months, lots going on in my life. I’m trying to navigate this new normal, some days are better than others, some days I am more productive, and some days I’d rather not relive. I have much to learn still in this life and there is no other place to learn, than from the Word of my God, not the lies that the world shouts constantly!

This month we will be in the book of 1 Peter. Peter, also known as Simon Peter, was one of the first disciples Jesus called. Peter and his brother Andrew were fishing as Jesus called to them, “Come, follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” (Matthew 4:18-19) They immediately left their nets and followed him. As I started to read more and find out why they were so willing to just go with Jesus, I quickly found out why over in the book of Luke chapter 5 verses 1-11.

One day Jesus was by the Sea of Galilee sharing the Word of God to the crowd around him. There was a boat of Peter’s there and Jesus got in and asked him to put out a little from shore so he could teach from the boat. After Jesus finished speaking, he said to Peter, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.” But Peter answered saying that they had worked hard all night and hadn’t caught anything, but because you say so I will let down the nets. After he obeyed the Lord, they caught such a large number of fish that the nets began to break! They had to call over another boat to help get all of the fish into the two now sinking boats.

Peter then fell at Jesus’ knees and said, “Go away from me Lord; I am a sinful man!” He and his friends were astonished at the catch of fish! Jesus then said to Peter, “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will catch men.” So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him. What faith they had! That’s the type of faith I want to have.



Click here for a Free PDF printable:

1 Peter Writing Challenge(3)


In the darkest hour of Christ’s life as he struggled in Gethsemane about his coming task, Peter fell asleep. At one point Jesus came upon His dozing disciples and asked, ” Why are you sleeping?…Get up and pray so that you will not fall into temptation” ( Luke 22:46) The consequences of Peter’s prayerlessness were both immediate and tragic. In the ensuing hours, as all the forces of hell were unleashed, the disciple ironically nicknamed “the Rock” discovered that good intentions are not enough to withstand great temptation.-Stormie Omartian

Don’t become a person of prayerlessness. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12




Colossians Writing Challenge

A new month brings a new scripture writing challenge, this month we will be in the book of Colossians. I really enjoy doing whole books so I get the full context and understand it in a bigger way as opposed to skipping around reading a verse here and there. There certainly isn’t anything wrong with reading and studying that way, I just prefer doing it this way. I hope you enjoy it and are blessed as well!

This Writing Challenge is broken down into small three to four verses a day and only takes minutes to complete! I thoroughly enjoy my time in the Word as I read, write, and reflect on what the text is saying to me that day! What is says and teaches me, may be different than what you get from it. Remember that the Word of God is living and active and is speaking to each reader differently depending on your needs as you read that day!  Hebrews 4:12 “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”

If you have never participated in a Scripture Writing Challenge then now is no better time! Ten to fifteen minutes of your time is going to be spent in the Word of God and you will be rewarded for it! For me, it is almost like an addiction but in a good way! The longer I do them, the more I miss them when I miss a day or two.

If you would like to help me out, please share this blog post, the graphics, and the Writing Challenge with your friends and family! Who doesn’t need more of the Word?? I’d also be honored if you would add your email address to the subscription box at the bottom so you know when new post and challenges are posted!


Click here for a FREE full size printable pdf of the challenge: Colossians Scripture Writing Challenge

Therefore, I am going to end with this verse, it has been a comfort to me in so many situations.  Most recently the passing of my best friend Tiffany.













1st John: April’s Scripture Writing Challenge

My favorite way to study and learn scripture is to read and write it down. Underlining is good, highlighting is fun, but reading and writing it down really helps memorize and get it into your head and heart!  “You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.” 2 Corinthians 3:3

This is the second scripture writing challenge I have written, the first was the book of Ephesians and was rather long but oh so good! First John is shorter and will only take mere minutes each day to complete. It is set up with 5 daily assignments a week, with two grace days for you to catch up if needed or reread the previous weeks scripture or write ahead! Reading the Word of God, writing the Word of God, praying the Word of God, or just sharing about the Word of God are all life changing habits. It’s never too late to start to make better choices and by choosing the Word, you will be storing up treasures for yourself in heaven friend.

A little background, First John is a letter written by John, same as the Gospel of John and Revelation. It was written 85-95 after Jesus’ death and resurrection. John was now a very old man and was most likely the last living apostle. John was writing to a church or a group of churches who were in crisis, mainly those being attacked by false teachers spewing out false information.

Isn’t that us all now in 2017? People left and right, shouting out the newest breakthrough in this and that. Buy this book, download this app, buy this piece of clothing, this system, that new pill or powder and it will change your life! Therefore you will be so much happier and life will now have satisfaction. All you need is this new product and all your troubles will be taken away and real stress-free, pain-free, drama-free, you-name-it life will begin. The truth is, any thing besides Jesus, does not have true value! He is all that we need. He is the only true Satisfier, Life Giver, Savior!

Back to the subject of 1 John, it is a very simple letter to follow about real life but has awesome content for all Christians. Those more seasoned, or the new believer seeking wisdom and direction. John calls readers back to three basics of Christian life: true doctrine, obedient living, and faithful devotion to Jesus. In fact, we ALL can use more and more of that!

Above all,

God is life. God is light. God is love. We are children of God, so we should also be life, light, and love.

Click to print a FREE PDF plan:

1 John Scripture Writing Challenge Weekly Assignment


Finally, please share with your friends and family whom you think might enjoy or benefit from this study. Sign up for the blog subscription so you don’t miss new posts.  Pin the images for your followers to see.


Eugene Peterson’s wise words, “The two most difficult things to get straight in life are love and God. More often than not, the mess people make of their lives can be traced to failure or stupidity, or meanness in one or both of these areas. The basic and biblical Christian conviction is that the two subjects are intricately related. If we want to deal with God the right way, we have to learn how to deal with love the right way. If we want to love the right way, we have to deal with God the right way. God and love cannot be separated.”




















