First Peter Writing Challenge

I’m back with another writing challenge to get us through the rest of the summer! I’ve been off the map so to speak these last few months, lots going on in my life. I’m trying to navigate this new normal, some days are better than others, some days I am more productive, and some days I’d rather not relive. I have much to learn still in this life and there is no other place to learn, than from the Word of my God, not the lies that the world shouts constantly!

This month we will be in the book of 1 Peter. Peter, also known as Simon Peter, was one of the first disciples Jesus called. Peter and his brother Andrew were fishing as Jesus called to them, “Come, follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” (Matthew 4:18-19) They immediately left their nets and followed him. As I started to read more and find out why they were so willing to just go with Jesus, I quickly found out why over in the book of Luke chapter 5 verses 1-11.

One day Jesus was by the Sea of Galilee sharing the Word of God to the crowd around him. There was a boat of Peter’s there and Jesus got in and asked him to put out a little from shore so he could teach from the boat. After Jesus finished speaking, he said to Peter, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.” But Peter answered saying that they had worked hard all night and hadn’t caught anything, but because you say so I will let down the nets. After he obeyed the Lord, they caught such a large number of fish that the nets began to break! They had to call over another boat to help get all of the fish into the two now sinking boats.

Peter then fell at Jesus’ knees and said, “Go away from me Lord; I am a sinful man!” He and his friends were astonished at the catch of fish! Jesus then said to Peter, “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will catch men.” So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him. What faith they had! That’s the type of faith I want to have.



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1 Peter Writing Challenge(3)


In the darkest hour of Christ’s life as he struggled in Gethsemane about his coming task, Peter fell asleep. At one point Jesus came upon His dozing disciples and asked, ” Why are you sleeping?…Get up and pray so that you will not fall into temptation” ( Luke 22:46) The consequences of Peter’s prayerlessness were both immediate and tragic. In the ensuing hours, as all the forces of hell were unleashed, the disciple ironically nicknamed “the Rock” discovered that good intentions are not enough to withstand great temptation.-Stormie Omartian

Don’t become a person of prayerlessness. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12




responses to “First Peter Writing Challenge” 5666

  1. He reaches and lets his hand glide over his swelled cock. Tickling the head of his bulbous cock with his rough fingertips which sends electric sparks through him and down to his toes. – free porn sex His bare ass melts to the lid of the toilet bowl. He sweats from the steam and the exertions from his continued pounding of the fierceness of his cock. He wiggles as his ass opens, squeaking on the plastic surface of the thrown lid, as he takes whiffs from the cum soaked pouch of the jock that covers his face.

  2. “FUCK! FUCK!” He says, as he loosens the tightened grip on his fleshy-red-tool, while it throbs with its life-giving blood coursing through its many vein-filled region. “Damn it, son! Damn it! Damn it, you hit the mirror above the sink!” His father shouts as the bullets of cum shoot forth from his son’s cock and hits the adjacent mirror directly in front of the porcelain bathroom thrown.

  3. The helmet of the man’s cock weaves a picture of no recognition as the father’s cum streaks itself through the watery haze. He gulps once as his dad mounts more pressure on his balls. Squeezing them.

  4. Подарочные документы, изготовленные в виде дубликатов оригинальных удостоверений, пользуются большой популярностью. Особую популярность привлекают документы, сделанные как удостоверения различных ведомств, таких как полиция, Следственный комитет или надзорные органы. Эти сувенирные документы создают иллюзию документальности и остаются при этом забавными подарками, которые обычно дарят в кругу знакомых или партнёров чтобы отметить их уникальные особенности или придать хорошее настроение.

    Многие интересуются, как найти место для покупки ксивы в роли сувенира или необычного подарка. Наибольший спрос по запросам купить ксиву МВД, так как эти ксивы сделаны под официальные документы. Желающим добавить небольшую изюминку, можно найти удостоверение МВД, оформленное так, чтобы оно выглядело максимально приближённым к реальному образцу. Однако это не единственный вариант — многие ищут, где можно заказать удостоверение, чтобы сделать необычный подарок.

    Часть людей выбирает купить ксиву СКР , к примеру, оформленное в стиле документы Следкома. В подобных ситуациях можно купить удостоверение ксиву СК СКР, которое выполнено в стиле Следственного комитета. Также, существуют разнообразные опции, где можно заказать документ в разных стилях. В последние годы набирают запросы о покупке документов в стиле МВД, СК или прокуратуры, что позволяет сделать сувенир, выглядящий максимально правдоподобно.

    Шуточные ксивы в виде ксив МВД, СК или прокуратуры — это не просто необычный презент, но и возможность создать легкую и непринужденную атмосферу, весело выразив своё признание. Такой подарок обязательно вызовет улыбку и станет памятным символом для получателя.

  5. He dries himself but his throbbing cock continues to pulse as it grows harder because of his youth. The sensation intensifies. The feeling is wonderful. He can hear his cock throbbing in his ears. “See this; see this. “His father says. “This is where power comes from.”

  6. “I ain’t a-talking ‘bout how big ya cock is, boy. I am talking ‘bout ya, weight. Your height.” His dad says. “I kinda figured on how big you are down there. That’s obvious. It makes me proud of you. My son. Of what I created, along with ya mother.”

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  8. His bare ass melts to the lid of the toilet bowl. He sweats from the steam and the exertions from his continued pounding of the fierceness of his cock. He wiggles as his ass opens, squeaking on the plastic surface of the thrown lid, as he takes whiffs from the cum soaked pouch of the jock that covers his face.