Good morning friend! Happy almost Thanksgiving! I don’t know about you, but this year has flown by! Seems like it was just Christmas a few weeks ago. I really do feel that Jesus is coming back, and soon. Times are changing so fast and I see the signs all over. I am so ready though! Heaven is going to be amazing! Jesus is going to be there, we will have the most spectacular city to live in, beautiful homes with no mortgage, jobs that we love to do each day, and endless adventures that will make the trials and tests of Earth all worth it.
Before we get there, we have to stand here. Stand strong. There is a spiritual battle going on around each and every one of us! You may or may not sense it but believe me there is! Each of us have to be prepared for this battle. It needs some strong weapons, not weapons made of metal, or any man made material. We need the “big guns.” We need Godly weapons because we are in a spiritual battle on earth. We need prayer, we need praise, and we need the Word of God! We need it daily, multiple times a day! We have to be intentional about these weapons. In Ephesians six, we learn of the other pieces that we need to put on daily to be prepared for battle! Really concentrate on these and their purposes. Our minds need protection, our hearts do, our hands and feet need to be ready with the Word of God and ready to share with others during the battle.
I pray this study has been a blessing to you as your have read and written the Word!

Chapter six starts with a commandment with a promise! Paul says children obey your parents in the Lord so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth. God always keeps his promises, He isn’t wishy washy like us. He doesn’t change his mind depending how He feels that day or whether He’s in a good mood or not. God is love, He is gracious, He is merciful, He is kind, He never changes. God is sovereign over and in all! v 1-3
Parents do not treat your children too harsh but lead and guide them in the ways of the Lord. v4
Verses five through nine speak of slaves and masters and that isn’t something that we deal with in today’s society but I think it does speak to us as servants of the Lord. Whether it be in a work environment, a home environment, or a volunteering environment, we need to do all things unto the Lord as if He is our boss and watching us work. v5-9

The Armor of God
All that we have learned in the past several chapters has been teaching us how to live, how to love, how our walk should be before the Lord. We have to remember who’s we are and who we are to become. Holy and righteous children of God. That is not an easy task. There is an enemy of our souls that wants us living in defeat, in fear, and in doubt of God’s huge love for us. Chapter six, verses six through twenty is preparing us for the battle that all believers will be in once we come to know Christ.
We are to be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. We must daily wake up and acknowledge who we are, who God is, and confess that we need the Lord’s help and intentionally put on His armor to protect ourselves. I once heard a sermon on the armor and it’s not just good enough to say that we have it. We have to put it on and let it do its job. It would be like having a motorcycle and helmet but leaving the helmet at home each time you go somewhere. The helmet doesn’t do you any good sitting at home when you are out driving around without it. Put it on, so we can take a stand against the devils schemes and tricks. We also have to be mindful and know that we are not fighting again flesh and blood, but against the devils many cohorts and the powers of this dark world we live in. v 10-12
We must be so very intentional and protect our whole bodies, from our head to our feet! The days are evil and we have to have every piece of the armor to help us resist the devil. We must put on the belt of truth around our waist so that we know the True word of God so we will not be fooled by the lies that will come our way. We have to strap on the breastplate of righteousness that protects our hearts and have our feet fitted with good news of the Gospel of Jesus. He is our peace as we walk with Him. We also have to take up the shield of faith that can guard us from the fiery darts from the devil that are aimed at our hearts.
Next we have to pick up our helmet of salvation to protect our minds but it’s almost like a sign or symbol to the world that we are Christ’s! Just like wearing your favorite teams logo on your hat or shirt, we wear the logo of God’s love to let the world know we are different and we are His! We also have to have the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God with us! We need to know the Word to give us knowledge, instruction, and faith to stand in this battle. v 13-17
Verse eighteen through twenty speak of our prayer life. We are to pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. We have to stay alert and be persistent in our prayers to keep us strong as well as interceding for other believers and those who have yet to hear to Good News of Jesus.
Paul asks for prayer for his boldness as he sits in chains for preaching the good news. We also should ask for prayer when we need it. If Paul can humble himself and admit his weakness, we should be able to do it too. If you do not have a prayer partner, I highly suggest reaching out to one or two close friends that you can go to for prayer and Godly counsel. It truly is a blessing to know that you can share needs and concerns and someone else is seeking the Lord on your behalf and vise versa. v 19-20
Paul’s final greeting to the Ephesians is very similar to his opening of the letter! Peace, love, and grace. He began with grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. 1:2. He ends with peace to the brothers(and sisters), and love with faith from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace to all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with an undying love. 6:23-24 Remember, it is peace from God. His lasting peace, not earthly/world peace. Peace that we know that God is in charge of all things. He uses all things together for the good of those who love Him.
And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. Romans 8:28
Grace has saved us, not any work that we have done. Grace also sustains us day by day. This is grace for living as we keep our eyes on God and are totally occupied with Him.
Live a life of loving, serving, and worshiping God. There is no better way to Know Him better.
